Thursday, January 19, 2012

Little Smiles and Little Hands

It has been KILLING me that I'm not able to post pictures and videos of our sweet babies (due to privacy issues)...

 I've been horrible about updating our journey- The month of December was so busy and now we are half way through January and I cant even believe how quickly time has been passing.

A little update:

Our precious 3rd foster child came to be with us January 6th. We are definitely a FULL home now- and I have to be honest, I really love it. Its crazy, dont get me wrong. I get crazy. I yell at the kids, I get frustrated, I get stressed out and all the madness that comes with being new foster parents is always there...
 but these children are such a joy and pleasure to look after, love on and shepherd. 

Vances trip to Africa was cancelled due to the Economic unrest currently happening in Nigeria. It was unfortunate for the group and those they would have been serving, but selfishly, I'm so thankful he is still here. I honestly did not know how I was going to survive with an 8 month old, 2 year old, and 4 year old... all by myself for 2 weeks.

My job is going wonderfully. I LOVE the people I work with. My job is not stressful and I enjoy coming to work everyday. THIS is truly such a blessing and answer to 2 1/2 years of prayer (and some whining) on my behalf.

I will be graduating at the end of this semester. I had the first class of my last class yesterday. There are 4 of us girls in the class. Its gonna be awesome. I cannot wait to be done with School!!!!!!

Thats about all for now. I'm going to try to be so much better about posting updates.