Thursday, December 27, 2012

A lot happens in 12 months

Have I really not blogged since September?!?

I've had a baby since then. I suppose not much more explanation is needed.

So here I am- December 27th. Back from maternity leave (and yes, I know I never wrote about my labor or my time at home). I have such great intentions.

Almost on the brink of a new year. This last week before 2013 feels haunting in some way. Like these last moments of this incredibly momentous new year are slowly fading away and I don’t have much time with them left. So much feels unfinished. Unresolved.

I have this hollow feeling inside myself that feels there has been so much happening in the last 365 days and too much of it has been unkempt. Pushed to the side, halfway finished. Neglect to bring any of it to completion.

What the heck am I talking about? Your guess is as good as mine. It’s just a deep sense I have that has been crawling up from deep inside. I keep pushing it down because there is no time to deal with anything other than the present drama of newborns, toddlers, marriage, etc.
However, I’m realizing the ugly consequences of my neglectfulness and how its not just affecting me but the people around me. And its ugly. And I hate it. And I’m not sure how to fix it.

Let me see if I can even think back to the beginning of this year and remember all that has happened.

In January we still had D’Maya and D’Montrey and opened our home to a third foster baby… Ja’Kayla. Little did we know how she would become so much more.
At the end of January we found out we were pregnant! Wow- Three foster kids and a pregnant woman with fluctuating hormones and bad morning sickness- Those were hard times!

The stress of a 4 year old with extreme behavior issues and ADHD, a 2 year old and a 9 month old and being pregnant finally came to a head in March. Our home had become toxic and our marriage was hurting- something had to change. With a heavy heart, we told our agency we could no longer care for the 4 year old- He was more than we were equipped to handle and his behavior was spiraling out of control. CPS ended up moving him to an assessment center where they could decide if his level of care needed to be increased. We kept his sister and Kayla. That was an incredibly hard decision for us- one that I still struggle with to this day. The day to day stress decreased and it was us and the girls.

April marked the end of college for me. What a burden lifted!!! Oh yeah, did I mention I was still in school during the previous months. Looking back, it was only by the GRACE OF GOD that we made it thru those tumultuous months. We also celebrated Kayla’s first birthday. Also, one of my standard blood tests came back revealing there were some antibody issues with my pregnancy and caused quite a scare.

May brought us the discovery that my antibodies were cold antibodies, eliminating the possibility that they could harm my unborn child. Such relief! We also found out that we were having a BOY and were so thrilled!!! Towards the end of May, D’Maya went to be reunited with her brother in a new foster home. That was so incredibly heart breaking for me. So many emotions were wrapped up in that move. Such guilt, worry, sadness… I still struggle to be honest but I have to trust God with their lives. It’s all I can do. By the time the month of May was over, it was just Vance, Kayla, Me and our little boy in my belly. Life finally seemed to calm down and we thought for a moment we could catch our breaths and relax for a while.

June rolled around and was pretty uneventful. Vance went on a week long youth trip and then to a conference for a weekend, so I was alone with the baby more than I was used to. I did get to see Angie Gunter who is like a mother and big sister to me and that was wonderful!!! I was half way thru my pregnancy and feeling as large and in charge as ever. Ha! I thought I was big then!

July rolled around and brought its miserable heat to my swollen body and sickness upon our household! Vance was sick for a month! Like, sleeping on the couch sick because he didn’t want to get his pregnant wife sick. Between my pregnancy hormones, vance being gone for a week and then coming back and getting sick, I had a mini mental breakdown. I felt like I was taking care of Kayla on my own and I was tired!!! I even made vance cry at one point because I was so mean to him. It was UGLY. July was a rough month in the Garvey home.

The sickness stuck around in August and Kayla was hospitalized for pneumonia. That was so hard!!! By this point, we already loved her like she was our own flesh and blood and to watch her be so sick and defenseless was heart breaking. We spent three days in the hospital with her by her side- we never left! The whole situation bonded us to her even more but also caused her to become quite needy and fussy. I think the “terrible two” phase really started after her pneumonia. The poor child has been sick off and on since then, teething, welcoming a baby brother and not being the baby anymore… and becoming a toddler- its hard work to be so little and go thru so many changes. This was also the month she stopped sleeping thru the night… man, August was a hard month as well. Vance and I were exhausted to say the least- I was so pregnant and miserable. AGAIN, the GRACE of GOD brought us thru the summer.

In September, my older brother Ben and my sister Elizabeth whom I was meeting for the first time came to visit us. Lots of emotions stirred inside my heart. We had lots of wonderful baby showers that blessed us with everything we needed and more! The nursery was being prepared, we had decided on a name for our Son, I had already started dilating and I was becoming more and more impatient to bring this baby into the world and out of my body!

Now, thru out  this entire year and specifically late summer, we had been led to believe that Kayla’s case would be open and shut- parents were out of the picture and it looked like she would go up for adoption. Then her biological mom came back into the picture and started trying to gain back custody. Then a cousin on her biological fathers side came into the picture and started trying to gain custody. Everything we thought was guaranteed started to fly out the window and our hearts began to panic. At one point, we really thought we might loose her to biological family and we spent days and weeks grieving the thought that this child we had quickly grown to love might be taken from us. We ultimately had to come to a point of trusting God and waiting it out. The journey of adoption of this little girl still isn’t over- but God has brought us thru the valley’s and mountain tops and we know the best is yet to come.

On October 8th, 2012 I gave birth to Joshua Anderson Garvey. The month of October is a blur of priceless moments gazing at our son, painful post-partum recovery from a very quick, natural, vaginal delivery, visits of family and friends… but ultimately when our family of three became a family of four. I’m still in awe of the miracle that He is.

November I was home on Maternity leave the whole month. I think I spent that whole month holding Jos in my arms! Kayla had a rough transition with the new baby and her sassiness was at an all time high. Tantrum city! Thanksgiving came and went and I tried to cherish every moment home with my boy. At the end of the month, we had another ER visit, this time for jos due to a high fever. It was horrible!!! After having him catheterized, blood drawn, IV, spinal tap…. They discovered he just had a virus and was better the next day. OH how our hearts broke making him go thru all that at 6 weeks old!!! The saying is true that having a child is like living with your heart outside of our body-  We were just thankful he was healthy and it didn’t turn into anything worse. We also found out that Kayla’s bio mom signed paperwork to terminate parental rights… things were starting to look hopeful for the first time in her case.

On December 10th I went back to work part time. The kids started daycare part time at Mothers Day Out and we have been so thankful and impressed with the quality of care they receive there! We found out we had been moved to the adoption unit in CPS and had a new adoption caseworker!!! Such a miracle!!! We spent Christmas with dear friends in Houston and had a wonderful time (even though Kayla got bronchitis while we were there).
Now we are back from our trip. New years is right around the corner. Vance leaves on the first for his ski trip and I’ll have the kids alone which I’m dreading- it feels like my arms are chopped off when he is gone.
But what a year! Looking back I honestly don’t know how we made it thru. We had some really dark times. Honestly, I didn’t realize all that had happened this year until I sat down just now on facebook and looked thru all my posts.

In reflecting and sharing our past year, I come back to where my mind is right now.

I struggle with guilt almost on a daily basis because I don’t live up to the person I know I should be… want to be… am called to be.

I’m a horrible example of Grace and love most the time. I’m judgmental, resentful, impatient. I deny myself Grace and as a result, deny others the same gift.

I’m pretty sure this year was eventful by anyone’s standards. I’ll give myself that. I’ve had a lot going on. Its true.

Yet, with each new circumstance or event, I left the previous one unfinished. Unresolved. Neglected.

In a mad rush to keep my head above water, I’ve neglected my soul.

Honestly, I’ve been running around trying to meet others needs so much this past year, that I really haven’t given myself any time to deal with anything. And that’s scary. Its unhealthy. It needs to change.

I’ve hurt some relationships this year because of my neglect. I’ve become a person internally that I don’t really like because of my neglect. My walk with the Creator God that I put all my hope and trust in has become mechanical at best. And that’s not who I want to be. It’s not the life I want to live.
It’s definitely not what I want to teach my children. It’s not what I want for my marriage. It’s not what I want for myself.

My faith in God consumes my entire reason for living- yet… I’ve lost the heart of it in all the business of my life this past year.
My soul (my mind, my emotions, my spirit) have suffered greatly. I know it’s true because I know myself and I’m not the same. People look at me from the outside and may not be able to tell, but I can tell.
I suspect this is an age old struggle for many parents. Children bring a whole new dynamic to the hustle and bustle of our modern lives.

But I don’t want it to stay like this.

I don’t have any huge revelation as to how this is going to Change.
I don’t have any insights as to what to do or where to go from here.
For now, I’m just sharing my discovery of how stagnant my soul has become and my open confession that I don’t want to stay this way.

All the blessings of this past year can’t make up for a stagnant relationship with God.
My prayer for this new year is that God in his Grace and Mercy would bring to me new understandings of the deeper things in this life.
And that I can look back at the end of 2013 and honestly say that I am not the same person…
Because if we are not evolving, we are dying. I don’t want to live life in a state of slow decay.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

First Time Experiences

Sometimes I feel sad.

I look at the numerous friends around me who are also pregnant with their first children and feel envious of their experience because I know it differs from mine so much.

I see the words of wisdom friends give to them... like:
"enjoy being baby free now..."
"sleep now while you can..."
"make time to exercise during your pregnancy..."
"enjoy the quiet moments with your husband while you can..."

And it just reminds me that I will never get to have that "first time mom" experience that most women have.

We are not baby free. We have a 16 month old baby/toddler who is venturing into the world of tantrums, non-stop fussing, teething, sleeping problems, picky eating habits and the list goes on. All you moms out there know exactly what I mean.

Our schedules revolve around this little thing. We struggle to get our weary bodies out of bed in enough time to get ourselves ready before she starts crying at 6:30/7:00 am... then we get her up, dressed, fed and rush off to daycare. Then we work all day, go pick her up from daycare, rush home to feed her, bathe her, play with her and get her off to bed- only to fall flat on our faces and veg in front of the TV for an hour or two and try and spend some time together before we fall into bed and do the whole thing over the next day. I mean, this is the life of a Parent.

Who the heck has time for working out, spending quality time with God, going on dates, hanging out with friends, etc, etc. in between all of this? Of course you make time for those things because they are important, but it leaves you stretched very thin for things like- oh i dont know, a hobby?

However, although my heart sometimes feels heavy at the "loss" of this experience, I find myself also filled with so much joy and thankfulness at what I have been given instead.

My husband and I have been given this incredibly humbling and beautiful gift of being foster parents and its not something we take lightly. We GET to love on children who would otherwise not know love. We GET to let the world revolve around them and we GET to show them the love of a mommy and daddy that they wouldnt of had.

We GET to spoil this little girl with all our free time. We GET to share our lives with her and we GET to experience all her firsts with her... First steps, first words, first solid foods... First Birthday, First trip to the hospital, First haircut...

I may not have my "first time mom" experience like so many others do, but honestly, as I write these words, I feel like i've been given something even better.

We dont know what will happen with our girl. We dont know if we will get to keep her or have to let her go. But what I do know, is I wouldnt trade all these "Firsts" with her for anything else in the world.

Sometimes all it takes is getting a little perspective to cheer up :)

Also, I'm getting very anxious like a little kid on Christmas Eve for the birth of our First Son-

34 days and counting until I GET to bring my first child into this world, Hold him for the First time and fall in love with another boy for the second time :)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Our Life

I ran out of pages in my journal the other night and I'm desperate to write and release all these thoughts. So here it goes.

My heart is broken.

We dont talk a lot about Kayla online because we arent really supposed to. We arent allowed to post pictures. We arent allowed to even use her full name or mention aspects of her case. But for those who know us well, they know that we have had this little baby girl in our lives for the past 8 months and that we are desperately in love with her.

She came to live with us just a few weeks before we found out I was pregnant. We werent looking to adopt a baby at this point in our lives. We were content to be foster parents for a while until someday, God put it all together for us to adopt a child.

We bonded to her almost immediately. I would come home from work and watch vances face light up when he would tickle her... hold her, give her millions of kisses on her sweet little cheeks and I knew by how smitten he was that we were in trouble. I was a little bit more guarded at first... I tried to remain emotionally distanced for the first couple months we had her. After all, I had just found out I was pregnant with my first child and that was more than enough for me to process emotionally.

The months have flown by though... cutting her first teeth, taking her first steps, hearing her first words, celebrating her first birthday, taking her to her first hair cut... and we have grown such a deep and fearsome love for this little girl in our souls. A love we were not expecting and a love we could not stifle. No matter how hard i tried to protect myself from feeling those pricks of attachment and adoration towards her... it became useless and we gave in to being totally and completely enamored by this precious girl that came into our lives so unexpectedly.

Perhaps we could have guarded our hearts more carefully, seeing as she is a foster child and there is always the potential for something to come up in her case at any moment. But with both parents being out of the picture and no family members actively pursuing custody of her... we kinda just felt in our hearts that her case would be pretty black and white and that eventually she would go up for adoption.

That was up until a few weeks ago.

All of a sudden, there is family back in the picture fighting for custody and it looks promising for them.
For us, it looks and feels like we are about to lose our baby.

We are in a waiting period right now. Waiting for home studies to be completed on family members. Waiting for bond assessments to be scheduled and carried out. Waiting for August 30th when her next court hearing is and we will probably find out if this little girl is close to leaving our home.

And we have no control. We hardly have any rights. There are some things we can do to fight for custody but we will have to get an attorney and the average cost of getting one is around $15-20 K. We cant afford that. So we wait. We're calling every attorney we know, asking questions, seeking answers, trying to do what little we have the power to do... but it ultimately is out of our control at this point.

The Judge will decide on August 30th if our little girl will go live with family or stay with us. That is all there is to it.

And so, my heart is broken. Our son is due in two months. This should be the most exciting time in our lives, but instead, I'm plagued with sadness and a deep sense of despair. I dont want to feel like that. I dont! But i dont know how else to make it thru the day. Potentially we could be losing one child as we welcome another into the world and the bitter sweet dichotomy of the situation has left me undone.

So this is our lives right now. We ask that you pray for Gods will above all things. and that God would give us the grace to endure whatever it is we are going to endure in the next couple months.

We ask that you pray for Judge Clark and the ability of the holy spirit to speak to her heart on August 30th and give her wisdom and understanding to make the right decision for Kayla.

Pray for the attorney's and caseworkers involved in this case, that they would have favor on us and make right decisions.

And pray for our hearts. Mine, Vance's and Kayla's. We desperately need the love of the Father to lavish us with his peace and comfort in a tangible way... and for baby boy in my womb- that all these tears I'm crying dont negatively affect his development and well being.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

27 Week Update

Hello Friends!!!

Some belly pics for you belly pic lovers...

I know you all just love my bathroom pictures I take at work :)

As you can see, my belly has been growing and growing and growing!!!

How I feel: Today I feel great but it fluctuates daily. Sometimes I just feel plain ole miserable.

How I look: Very pregnant! People are always surprised when they ask when I'm due and I tell them I have 3 more months!!!

Dr. Visits: My last visit was quick and everything was right on track. My next visit is next Thursday and I get to do my glucose test! Yeah! (yuck)

Weight Gain: 20 pounds

Symptoms: Heartburn and indegestion but I've been chewing on papaya pills and they seem to help.
Sleep is getting more and more uncomfortable!!! If i sleep on my side i feel like i cant breath! So Vance props me up with a million pillows and that was working but now my butt and tailbone are getting sore- looks like it will be the couch soon!

Emotionally: I tend to be emotional anyways, but all in all I think I'm doing ok. Some days are harder than others. The thought that we will have a son in 3 short months creeps up on me at times and overwhelms me.  In a good way, but still takes me breath away sometimes.

Nesting: Geesh, already giving me the itch to do, do, do... just wish i had the energy and skill to make it all happen.

Showers: Two lovely ladies from our church our hosting us two separate baby showers in August and I'm really excited to celebrate with our friends and family!!!

Kayla: She is 14 months old now and we are more in love with her every day. We are still hoping to adopt her but it will just take time to see what happens with her case, so for now, we are just cherising every moment we have with her.

Vance and I: we are doing great! Vance has been gone a lot this summer with youth trips and work and its been hard on me, but hopefully things will start calming down soon. We miss him so much when he is gone. Plus, i need muscle power to do all my "nesting projects" :)

Well, that's it for now. My bladder is about to EXPLODE so i better end this thing :)

Monday, June 11, 2012

22 Week Update

Lets see, At 22 Weeks...

This picture doesn't do justice in showing how Large my tummy has become. Trust me, I've experienced a growth spurt in the past week or two. I know because it hurts to move and I feel like I'm going to burst into two!
  • I've gained 17 ish pounds (EEEEKKK!)
  • I have out grown my maternity clothes that I bought in the beginning of my pregnancy. I underestimated how much the rest of me would grow...
  • We only have 1 foster child now- our sweet 13 month old Ja'Kayla. She feels more like our daughter than a foster child- we are hoping to be able to adopt her, so we are just waiting to see what happens with her case.
  • Sleep has become difficult and painful. Last night I actually had to fall asleep sitting up on our couch because when I laid down in bed i felt like i couldn't breath, no matter how many pillows i propped up behind me.
  • We found out we are having A BOY!!!. I hoped it was a boy deep down and Vance was convinced from the start that it was a boy- now we just have to figure out a name!
  • Exercise evades me- I've been trying- but whatever... :)
  • I am OFFICIALLY DONE with school. What a burden lifted.
  • I have my next ultrasound on June 21st. This will be the first one Vance misses because he will be on a youth trip in Colorado.
  • I'm pretty used to people's comments about my size now and dont take such offense. I've decided that if they feel comfortable telling me how HUGE i look, they are probably just referring to my belly and not the rest of my body- because that would just be rude ;)
  • I need to get back into reading my birth books. I stopped reading them for a couple months because I was getting overwhelmed, but I need to start thinking more about my birth plan and preparing myself mentally and emotionally and spiritually for labor.
  • Feeling so close and thankful towards my supportive husband (This will never change! Especially after having the worlds biggest pregnancy meltdown last night and he held me and comforted me like a pro)
  • My favorite thing about pregnancy right now is feeling little guy move. He kicks all the time. Vance hasnt been able to feel it yet which is frustrating because I can feel it so much, but hopefully soon he will get to experience our son moving inside of me :)
  • Really prayed for the first time last night that God would help me enjoy being pregnant because if I'm honest (and I always am) I havent enjoyed it much. Its uncomfortable, I feel out of control of my body, My hormones are out of control, My body is not my own, etc, etc.. but I'm really trying to find the beauty in all of it... which I need supernatural help with right now ;)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Spending Wisely

Reading a good book lately about stories...really its about life-narratives essentially...and with Maya set to leave within the week, been thinking a lot. Loads of people tell us all the time (Nicole and I that is) that they could never be foster parents because they know how much their heart would break when the children left their home. And believe does. It hurts so badly. Foster care and the concept of adoption where possible and appropriate is very close to our hearts. So I would challenge all those who would say the same with those who say they cant foster because it would hurt..."What if Jesus said the same?"

Each one of us...every day...make choices that metaphorically and symbolically could be imagined as us choosing to walk away from his embrace. And...every day, with every choice, he always chooses to take us into his arms once again, because he understands that we NEED his love. Even if, because of our choices, it is sporadic, inconsistent, and brief.

As I consider a second child leaving our home...this is how I process it. We are called to love. As foster parents, we are called to love kids, knowing all the while that they may be taken from our arms at the drop of a hat. But the more i think of it, the more I am repeatedly convinced that this great sense of loss is one more way in which we know beyond knowing that the calling, and living this narrative is worthwhile. the pain of loss shows us we are doing something right, something good, and something that will bear much fruit for the Kingdom.

For me, a person who has always looked at life through the lens and perception that life is a living narrative, I am certain of one thing from my own experiences. In my opinion, living the Christian life will most certainly be painful at times. But in those moments we have to opportunity, if we really choose to see, to experience a love so deep and a peace so wide that our hearts could contain it all.

In other words, for, I believe that Jesus called us to be disciples. And part of being a disciple is choosing to love those around us knowing full well that we will be hurt and wounded and pained. There are thousands of children who need loving homes, even if only for a short while. And, in my opinion, it is not some cheesy bit of religiosity to say that a loving foster home may well be the only loving home they ever see or experience.

I used to disregard these thoughts under the assumption that some people are called and some aren't. But I lost my ability to ignore a certain passage of scripture some years ago, after meeting one of the most influential people in my life. In the book of James the brother of Jesus tells us what true religion really is. He declares that it is to "look after orphans and widows in their distress." What are foster children if not orphans? Even temporarily.

Sure, God is faithful, and most certainly has his hands on his children, especially the little ones. He will be faithful to provide them with those shining examples of love and goodness and hope throughout their lives. But please, don't assume you aren't one of them just because loving them would cost you something. After all, loving me cost Jesus everything.

Love is costly. Be an example; spend yourself wisely.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


I'm currently sitting in Vances office while He teaches Sunday school.
I'm a tad bit emotional today. Actually, I've been hyper emotional for the past month and I only feel its increasing.

I thought the second trimester was supposed to be a wonderful time of feeling great, tons of energy and less mood swings. It appears my body doesn't understand this.

Honestly though, its more than mood swings. Its a heightened sense of thought, emotion, senses... This miracle is happening in me, to me, all around me... and it just makes everything... delicate and sensitive.

I've been attending a Sunday school class led by our Rector over the past month. We've been reading thru the book of Luke. I cannot leave that class without falling to pieces upon hearing our Pastor speak of Jesus. He knows Jesus in such a GRAND way and when I listen to him speak of Him, I melt. My heart is so sensitive to Jesus... to His beauty, His Grace, My absolute desperation for him... even just thinking of Him right now brings tears to my eyes. The mystery of his life and death... it consumes me as of late.

And so, Its not just when people ask me if I'm carrying twins (which happened this morning) or when someone walks up to me and pokes me and calls me pudgy (which happened yesterday) that I fall apart into pieces emotionally, its pretty much anything these days.

Any other women out there experience this when pregnant?

Anyways, Its just something I'm desperately trying to work through. I cannot continue to hide in the bathroom at work and cry because someone hurt my feelings by a thoughtless comment, or cry in the bathroom at church because someone made an insensitive comment about my body. Geesh, apparently I've been crying in bathrooms a lot lately! lol...

To be honest, I feel good and I think I look great. I'm enjoying this miracle inside of me. I'm even enjoying the depth of the emotions I feel towards my God... My life... My baby. I just need to learn how to bridle it in public a bit :)

Lets see, At 17 Weeks...

  • I've gained 9 pounds
  • I still fit into my dresses and most shirts but have been in maternity pants since 9 weeks
  • We have two foster children in our home- two girls, age 1 and 2
  • Sleep about 8 hours a night
  • Haven't had much of an appetite lately- especially  around dinner time. But i eat to keep my blood sugar balanced and to give Baby G the nutrients he/she needs.
  • Exercise maybe 2-3 times a week. I wish it was more, but Life is busy with two toddlers and I'm pooped
  • I graduate college this month!!!! FINALLY
  • I have my next ultrasound on May 24th and we will find out the sex (so long as baby G is cooperative)
  • Still get my feelings hurt by peoples comments but definitely working on it
  • I'm currently reading Two natural birthing books and one baby book
  • Feeling so close and thankful towards my supportive husband
  • My favorite thing about pregnancy so far is still watching my husband light up when he see's my body and listening to him talk to Baby G, rest his head of my belly and whisper the sweetest promises to our unborn child. He is going to be the BEST DAD any child could ask for.
  • Received some AMAZING news regarding my blood tests last week- I think I'm still trying to process thru it all, but I will definitely write an update about the blood condition soon.
  • Feel strangely and sweetly close to the Father. For that, I am so thankful. There is no where else I ever want to be than at His feet.

Monday, April 23, 2012

I'm just that special

Well, we had another OB appointment today and I feel I have a better understanding of the blood abnormality they found.

For those of you interested, test results from my last blood tests found a very rare antibody in my blood that is built against the M-antigen in Vance's blood. This is not the same thing as being RH+ or RH- for those who are wondering. They cannot give me a shot of RhoGam  to protect the baby from my antibodies.

Basically, IF Vance has passed this M-Antigen to the baby, my antibodies could potentially start attacking the red blood cells of the baby which could lead to fetal anemia, which could lead to fetal heart failure.

In all my OB's years of practice, she has yet to have a patient with this Anti M antibody. I am JUST that SPECIAL :)

Right now, we are just going to continue to check my titers (antibody levels)  every 4 weeks to monitor them and make sure they don't surpass a threshold of 1:8. If they do increase above this level, I will be sent to see a specialist in Dallas. This specialist will use a Doppler ultrasound that monitors specific blood vessels in the baby and checks growth, development, heart function, etc.

WORST case scenario... If my titers keep increasing before I am full term or even 28 weeks... they can do blood transfusion to the fetus via umbilical cord to provide it the red blood cells my body is attacking- this can be very tricky and probably isnt the safest procedure... seeing as how they would need to stick a very large needle thru my belly to reach into the umbilical cord.

Potentially, worst case, I would have to deliver per-term, have a c-section or have a possible blood transfusion myself.

But i'm not letting myself go there. Right now, we have no reason to worry. They took some more blood today and we will find out my titer results within the next week.

For now, we are just enjoying each day as it comes. I'm looking at this situation as an awesome way for God to glorify himself in my life. I know He will take care of us. I trust God. I have no control over any of this. God just decided I was special enough to handle some rare blood abnormality.

Isn't it funny how he chose one of the most highly paranoid and obsessively worrisome people to put in this situation? :) this is all just a part of the refining process and parenting journey. Lack of control and complete trust. I'm happy to report that I really am calm and not worrying about this, and THAT is a work of God for anyone who really knows me :)

For now, we just need prayer that my titers stay very, very low and that they never reach 1:8. If they do, we will cross that bridge when we get there.

Our next ultrasound is May 24th. We will find out the sex of the baby then (if baby is in good position). I am sooo excited! Baby's heart beat was 144 bpm today- much lower than the previous 177 bpm but Dr. says thats normal for it to start decreasing as it gets bigger. I'm anxious to get another picture of Baby G and find out their sex. I think I've already started to feel movements... they feel different than just gas.

All I know is this baby is destined to be a fighter. Between having a virus when i first found out i was pregnant, to having the flu, to now this blood thing... baby G hasnt had it easy but I know he/she will be resilient :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Just a little update...

How did you find out you were pregnant?   I am one of the most paranoid people you will ever meet! For the first three years of our marriage, I would have to estimate I’ve taken roughly 50 pregnancy tests! Why was I always convinced I was pregnant?!? The morning I woke up and peed on a stick was like any other of those times, except this time… It was positive.
What were your 1st symptoms?  Before I took the test, I had very little symptoms- I just felt Like I was about to start my period.
Who did you tell first?  I woke my sweet husband up at 5am by yelling, “Vance! You need to come in here! What does that look like to you?!??!”
My 1st reaction:  Shocked. It felt very surreal to see a positive after only trying for 3-4 weeks. We hadn’t expected to get pregnant THAT fast!
Was your baby planned?  Yes. Christmas day Vance surprised me with a little onesie he had made, that basically said something to the affect that he wanted to start trying for Baby Garvey. The next month I was pregnant!
How far were you when you found out?  I think I was probably only 3 ½ - 4 weeks when I found out- I forgot to mention the part where I had taken a test a few days before the positive one.. which was negative of course, but you know me… I’m THAT gal. The one who has a weird feeling in her side and assumes she is pregnant so she takes a test!
Due Date:  October 10, 2012 (the day before my birthday)
How many weeks are you? I’ll be 15 weeks tomorrow!
Do you know the sex?  Not yet- At our last sonogram the Dr said she thought it kinda looked like girl parts but it was too early to tell. Vance is convinced it’s a boy and I have NO clue- we will find out in May.
Any names?  For now, its Baby G. We are going to keep the name a secret until its born.
Any Ultrasounds?  My first one was at 6 weeks! (I thought I was closer to 8 at the time). Then I had one at 10 weeks. My next one is next Monday and I’ll be about 16 weeks.
Have you heard the heart beat?  Yes! So amazing! At 6 weeks it was 122 BPM. At 10 weeks it was 170 BPM- Baby G has a strong heart!
Who do you think it will look like?  NO Clue! I think that’s one of the most exciting parts about meeting the baby for the first time… seeing what qualities we each gave the baby.
Have you felt the baby move?  No. Just lots of Gas! I cannot wait to finally feel it!
Did you have morning sickness?  Yes! The first three months were pretty rough. I never threw up (except for that virus I got) but I was nauseous all day every day- the only thing that helped was eating.
Did you have any cravings?  I want French Fries allllll the time!
Did you have any mood swings?  Don’t ask my husband that. Its hard to be happy when you feel like crap all the time- there might have been the occasional night when Vance came home and I was balling my eyes out while laying on the floor- or when I almost had a meltdown because I was making nachos and my cheese got crusty- lol… I’m working on it.
Any complications?  The only oddity that has come up recently has been the discovery of an antibody my blood has against an M antigen. We found out Vance has this M antigen, so we will have to do routine blood tests every 4 weeks to make sure my antibody levels aren’t increasing. If they do, the doctor says this is very treatable (don’t know what the treatment is yet) but she has told me not to worry.
When did you start to show?  My belly does bizarre things thru ought the day. One moment I don’t look pregnant and the next I look 6 months pregnant! Its HUGE at night! I would say you could see a small bump around 11 weeks but its nothing to write home about.
How long could you wear your regular clothes?  I’ve been in maternity jeans since 8 weeks. I guess I’m just one of those lucky girls who’s back and hips exploded with extra cushion the moment they found out they were pregnant.
Home or Hospital?  Hospital.  We live too far from the hospitals to consider a home birth.
Natural or Medicated birth?  I am going to strive for an unmediated birth as much as possible. I make no guarantees to anyone or myself, but that is my goal. My mom popped her babies out in 4-5 hours, so I’m praying its hereditary!!!
What is your favorite thing about being pregnant?  So far- my stretchy pants? ;) No actually, my favorite thing is watching my husband’s face light up when he looks at my belly and when he talks to the baby, rubs my belly and is just glowing (at least one of us is glowing) :)
What is the worst thing about being pregnant?  Feeling out of control about how my body is changing (getting fat), gas, bladder pain, indigestion, fatigue, moodiness… must I continue?
What’s one thing you miss doing since being pregnant?  Happy hour.

The weekend we found out... around 4 weeks

 Six Weeks...
10 weeks... Just a lot of bloating
14 weeks

Friday, April 6, 2012

Maundy Thursday

Last night we attended the Maundy Thursday service at our church. Its a celebration of the passover. The beautiful night when Jesus shared with his disciples that He was to become their sacrifice. That they were to use his flesh and blood to mark themselves with, so that God's wrath would Pass.Over.Them.

At our church, we have the washing of the feet, just as Jesus did for his disciples that passover evening.
The priests humbly bow in front of bowls at the front of the sanctuary and whoever wishes to walk up and have their feet washed may do so.

I am perpetually cold natured, and in true form, was freezing last night inside the sanctuary. So, my sweet husband went to the back were they keep some knitted shawls that some ladies from the church have made, and wrapped it around my shoulders.

Shortly after the service started and while the choir was singing so beautifully, a woman from our church walked thru the doors, holding the arm of another woman whom i presumed she found wandering the street. Our church is located in the center of downtown Tyler and although we have many ministries to the poor and homeless, we rarely see someone from the street walk thru the doors for a service.

It was beautiful and refreshing to see one of our members hold this woman up, walk her inside, wrap her arms around her and stand proudly with her. I was thankful to witness such a beautiful act of service, kindness and love. This older woman who was clearly homeless was wearing a dress, no bra, little sandals that had seen better days and had a beach towel draped around her shoulders. She was missing half her teeth and couldn't walk on her own without assistance.

As the service continued and I watched our beautiful clergy serve our congregation, I was overwhelmed with emotion. Overwhelmed with thankfulness for their sacrifices. Somehow, washing others feet is the perfect picture of humility and service. These men and women who work long, ridiculous hours. Who are always giving and giving and giving of their time, they energy, their emotions. I was so full of thankfulness for them.

And I couldn't stop looking back at this woman seated behind me. Watching her disheveled body limp towards the front to get her feet washed by one of the priests, with her beach towel wrapped around her... I couldn't help but realize that her and I were no different. Me, with my shawl wrapped around my shoulders, and all her outward brokenness was just the same as my inward brokenness.

Thinking of the priest who washed her feet. Her dirty feet. Her swollen, disheveled, broken, dirty feet that he washed with his bare hands. How hard might it have been for him to pick up her feet and rub the dirt off with his hands... and yet, that is what Jesus has done for us.

He has picked us up, out of our filth, off of the street, with our filthy garments and beach towels wrapped around our shoulders, and walked us into the knowledge of his love. He sacrificed his perfect self for our filthy, decaying, broken selves. He did it gladly. Lovingly. Sacrificially.

The words sacrifice and service kept swimming around my mind last night. All I can do is meditate on these treasures and let God grow the seeds being planted.

I'm so thankful for the servants of God. For those women. For our leaders. For those broken people who give us peeks of Gods love.  But most of all, thankful this Good Friday for Jesus. I have had my doubts about you Jesus. We have had our battles- I've screamed and cursed you in the middle of the night, scared, confused and full of unbelief. It has been an incredibly difficult journey of faith with You and Me. But Jesus, I'm still here, at your feet. You never left me. Even when if felt like you did. I'm here and so thankful for you.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Feeding of Five Thousand

I promise, I really will become more consistent about blogging. :)

As a foster parent, you have good days and bad days.
Lately, we have had just a bunch of really bad days all stringed together (ok, its been like the past month or two).

The novelty of the new precious children has worn off. Their crazy little antics have stopped being so cute and funny. The lack of alone time or married couple time has started to grate on us and the continual self sacrifice it takes to parent someone else's children can become a burden instead of a joy.

I'm just being really honest here. Hopefully, If you know me at all, you know that what you see is what you get. I am the same person all the time, good, bad and really ugly. It often gets me in trouble... oh well.

Our little guy has been acting out a lot more lately. Overt disobedience. Complete disregard for listening to what you say to him. Inappropriate behaviors at school. I mean, its been HARD.

However, we realized the other day (while vance and I were laid up on the couch with a nasty viral bug) that a lot of his behavior is probably in response to our irritation and hostility.

We have been trying to care for these children on our own strength. We havent been in the word as much as when they first came. We havent been praying as much for them as when they first came. We havent been purposely spending time in Gods presence as much as when they first came.
We let our guard down.

Granted, It seems like every time i try to get up early in the morning, just as i turn on the light and open my bible, a baby is crying, the dog starts barking and wakes up the house, or something happens that totally interrupts my "me" time. But thats not an excuse.

To be honest, its been pretty ugly around our house and our hearts lately. There has been little compassion, little grace, little patience and an abundance of frustration and plain old burn out.

And it only took a total melt down on my part, weeping like a freaking crazy person to vance saying "i cant do this anymore" to realize what the problem was.

We were trying to minister to these children in our own strength!
Even Jesus said, "I can do nothing on my own. As I hear, I judge..."

I'll leave you with this encouragement I received the other day while reading the story about Jesus feeding the five thousand. In every one of the gospels, the story is told in practically the exact same way. In Matthew, Mark, and Luke, the story of the five thousand is told right after the telling of the execution of John the Baptist. They say that after hearing of his death, Jesus withdrew to be alone, but large crowds followed after him. And seeing them, He had compassion on them and fed them. At the end of each story, it says that after the people were satisfied  the disciples picked up all the remaining broken pieces of bread and filled twelve baskets full.

This ministered to me so much. How often do i feel broken hearted and want to run away to be alone, away from the kids, the stress, the mess, the crying, etc... but they follow me because they need me. They need love. They need comfort. If i will just allow myself to love like Jesus did, miracles will happen. Children will be ministered to... healed... fed... just like the five thousand.

My favorite part of the story, although not really biblical or symbolic of any type of theology, was that each gospel describes the disciples piking up twelve baskets full of Broken Pieces.

Yeah, I feel like that is all I have to give sometimes... broken pieces of myself, but apparently, it still feeds the soul and satisfies the hunger, so I will continue to give it.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Little Smiles and Little Hands

It has been KILLING me that I'm not able to post pictures and videos of our sweet babies (due to privacy issues)...

 I've been horrible about updating our journey- The month of December was so busy and now we are half way through January and I cant even believe how quickly time has been passing.

A little update:

Our precious 3rd foster child came to be with us January 6th. We are definitely a FULL home now- and I have to be honest, I really love it. Its crazy, dont get me wrong. I get crazy. I yell at the kids, I get frustrated, I get stressed out and all the madness that comes with being new foster parents is always there...
 but these children are such a joy and pleasure to look after, love on and shepherd. 

Vances trip to Africa was cancelled due to the Economic unrest currently happening in Nigeria. It was unfortunate for the group and those they would have been serving, but selfishly, I'm so thankful he is still here. I honestly did not know how I was going to survive with an 8 month old, 2 year old, and 4 year old... all by myself for 2 weeks.

My job is going wonderfully. I LOVE the people I work with. My job is not stressful and I enjoy coming to work everyday. THIS is truly such a blessing and answer to 2 1/2 years of prayer (and some whining) on my behalf.

I will be graduating at the end of this semester. I had the first class of my last class yesterday. There are 4 of us girls in the class. Its gonna be awesome. I cannot wait to be done with School!!!!!!

Thats about all for now. I'm going to try to be so much better about posting updates.