Thursday, May 17, 2012

Spending Wisely

Reading a good book lately about stories...really its about life-narratives essentially...and with Maya set to leave within the week, been thinking a lot. Loads of people tell us all the time (Nicole and I that is) that they could never be foster parents because they know how much their heart would break when the children left their home. And believe does. It hurts so badly. Foster care and the concept of adoption where possible and appropriate is very close to our hearts. So I would challenge all those who would say the same with those who say they cant foster because it would hurt..."What if Jesus said the same?"

Each one of us...every day...make choices that metaphorically and symbolically could be imagined as us choosing to walk away from his embrace. And...every day, with every choice, he always chooses to take us into his arms once again, because he understands that we NEED his love. Even if, because of our choices, it is sporadic, inconsistent, and brief.

As I consider a second child leaving our home...this is how I process it. We are called to love. As foster parents, we are called to love kids, knowing all the while that they may be taken from our arms at the drop of a hat. But the more i think of it, the more I am repeatedly convinced that this great sense of loss is one more way in which we know beyond knowing that the calling, and living this narrative is worthwhile. the pain of loss shows us we are doing something right, something good, and something that will bear much fruit for the Kingdom.

For me, a person who has always looked at life through the lens and perception that life is a living narrative, I am certain of one thing from my own experiences. In my opinion, living the Christian life will most certainly be painful at times. But in those moments we have to opportunity, if we really choose to see, to experience a love so deep and a peace so wide that our hearts could contain it all.

In other words, for, I believe that Jesus called us to be disciples. And part of being a disciple is choosing to love those around us knowing full well that we will be hurt and wounded and pained. There are thousands of children who need loving homes, even if only for a short while. And, in my opinion, it is not some cheesy bit of religiosity to say that a loving foster home may well be the only loving home they ever see or experience.

I used to disregard these thoughts under the assumption that some people are called and some aren't. But I lost my ability to ignore a certain passage of scripture some years ago, after meeting one of the most influential people in my life. In the book of James the brother of Jesus tells us what true religion really is. He declares that it is to "look after orphans and widows in their distress." What are foster children if not orphans? Even temporarily.

Sure, God is faithful, and most certainly has his hands on his children, especially the little ones. He will be faithful to provide them with those shining examples of love and goodness and hope throughout their lives. But please, don't assume you aren't one of them just because loving them would cost you something. After all, loving me cost Jesus everything.

Love is costly. Be an example; spend yourself wisely.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


I'm currently sitting in Vances office while He teaches Sunday school.
I'm a tad bit emotional today. Actually, I've been hyper emotional for the past month and I only feel its increasing.

I thought the second trimester was supposed to be a wonderful time of feeling great, tons of energy and less mood swings. It appears my body doesn't understand this.

Honestly though, its more than mood swings. Its a heightened sense of thought, emotion, senses... This miracle is happening in me, to me, all around me... and it just makes everything... delicate and sensitive.

I've been attending a Sunday school class led by our Rector over the past month. We've been reading thru the book of Luke. I cannot leave that class without falling to pieces upon hearing our Pastor speak of Jesus. He knows Jesus in such a GRAND way and when I listen to him speak of Him, I melt. My heart is so sensitive to Jesus... to His beauty, His Grace, My absolute desperation for him... even just thinking of Him right now brings tears to my eyes. The mystery of his life and death... it consumes me as of late.

And so, Its not just when people ask me if I'm carrying twins (which happened this morning) or when someone walks up to me and pokes me and calls me pudgy (which happened yesterday) that I fall apart into pieces emotionally, its pretty much anything these days.

Any other women out there experience this when pregnant?

Anyways, Its just something I'm desperately trying to work through. I cannot continue to hide in the bathroom at work and cry because someone hurt my feelings by a thoughtless comment, or cry in the bathroom at church because someone made an insensitive comment about my body. Geesh, apparently I've been crying in bathrooms a lot lately! lol...

To be honest, I feel good and I think I look great. I'm enjoying this miracle inside of me. I'm even enjoying the depth of the emotions I feel towards my God... My life... My baby. I just need to learn how to bridle it in public a bit :)

Lets see, At 17 Weeks...

  • I've gained 9 pounds
  • I still fit into my dresses and most shirts but have been in maternity pants since 9 weeks
  • We have two foster children in our home- two girls, age 1 and 2
  • Sleep about 8 hours a night
  • Haven't had much of an appetite lately- especially  around dinner time. But i eat to keep my blood sugar balanced and to give Baby G the nutrients he/she needs.
  • Exercise maybe 2-3 times a week. I wish it was more, but Life is busy with two toddlers and I'm pooped
  • I graduate college this month!!!! FINALLY
  • I have my next ultrasound on May 24th and we will find out the sex (so long as baby G is cooperative)
  • Still get my feelings hurt by peoples comments but definitely working on it
  • I'm currently reading Two natural birthing books and one baby book
  • Feeling so close and thankful towards my supportive husband
  • My favorite thing about pregnancy so far is still watching my husband light up when he see's my body and listening to him talk to Baby G, rest his head of my belly and whisper the sweetest promises to our unborn child. He is going to be the BEST DAD any child could ask for.
  • Received some AMAZING news regarding my blood tests last week- I think I'm still trying to process thru it all, but I will definitely write an update about the blood condition soon.
  • Feel strangely and sweetly close to the Father. For that, I am so thankful. There is no where else I ever want to be than at His feet.